
Fixed Asset Addition Vs. Fixed Asset Exchange: All you need to know!

Fixed Assets can be defined as the resources that the company possesses for the long term, that cannot be immediately converted to cash. Examples of fixed assets include property, plant, equipment, as well as other intangible assets that the company might possess. Fixed Assets are one of the most critical elements presented in the Balance

Fixed Asset Addition Vs. Fixed Asset Exchange: All you need to know! Read More »

What is an Accounting Estimate? – Example and Definitions

What is an Accounting Estimate? An accounting Estimate can be defined as a technique to measure items in accounting, which are harder to quantify. Since they cannot be accurately quantified, they are estimated on basis of judgment using intuition, and other knowledge derived from other past experiences. Accounting estimates are mostly used by accountants for

What is an Accounting Estimate? – Example and Definitions Read More »

Fixed Asset Reconciliation: Definition, and all you need to know!

What is Fixed Asset Reconciliation? Fixed Assets are long-term assets that are possessed by different entities for their operations. Examples of Fixed Assets include building, land, office furniture, equipment, vehicles, as well as computer equipment. Fixed Assets outlay is critical for businesses in order to ensure that their financial coverage is at par with other

Fixed Asset Reconciliation: Definition, and all you need to know! Read More »

Home Office Expenses Claimed by Employees – All you need to know!

Since the pandemic, there has been an upward trajectory of home offices being set up by employees. Whilst previously, home office expenses were mostly claimed and deducted by business owners operating out of their houses, the dynamic has now changed. Today, with an increasing trend of work from home culture, home office expenses claimed by

Home Office Expenses Claimed by Employees – All you need to know! Read More »

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