Does IRS Refund Overpayment?

Filing for taxes tends to be quite overwhelming and intimidating when it comes to filing for taxes. Factually, it can be seen that filing for taxes requires a significant amount of due diligence and care on the part of the filers. Therefore, it is imperative from the perspective of filers to ensure that all details

Does IRS Refund Overpayment? Read More »

5 Reasons Why IRS Refunds are Delayed – How to Check the Status of the Refund?

IRS tax returns and refunds are considered to be a daunting task for taxpayers because of several different reasons. Factually, there is some relative ambiguity on the part of the taxpayers, essentially because of the outcome of the tax filing as well as the refund status. Therefore, it is advisable for taxpayers to complete their

5 Reasons Why IRS Refunds are Delayed – How to Check the Status of the Refund? Read More »

What Are IRS Audit Red Flags?

Filing tax returns is often considered to be a daunting task for almost all filers, primarily because of the inherent risk of an audit by the IRS. Despite the fact that IRS Audit does not occur on a regular basis, it is still considered to be an extremely daunting and challenging task for all filers,

What Are IRS Audit Red Flags? Read More »

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